We’ve made some updates to our T&C's

25 Jun 2024

Our Terms & Conditions (T&Cs) are an important document outlining the rights and responsibilities of both you and Site Safe. We regularly review and update these T&Cs to ensure they: 

  • Reflect Changes in Our Services: As our business and offerings evolve, we need the T&Cs to accurately represent what we provide; and  
  • Offer Clarity and Transparency: We strive for clear and easy-to-understand language in our T&Cs, and updates can improve readability. 

This update ensures our T&Cs accurately reflect our current practices and provide you with the best possible experience. Here's a breakdown of the key changes: 

  • Delivery Timeframes: New clause (3.7) requires scheduling and delivery of products or services within 6 months of purchase. 
  • Payment Terms: We have updated how we manage late payments for an invoice. This is reflected in clause 3.  
  • Online Training: Updated information on Site Safe Training courses (clause 4) and defined the course date for online course offerings. 
  • Subscriptions & Credit Cards: New clause (3.3) addresses purchasing products or services on a subscription and secure storage of credit card information by a third-party provider. 
  • Delivery Access: A new clause (4.3) outlines expectations for staff access to customer workplaces for delivery of a product or service. 
  • Interpreters: Updated clause 9 limits interpreters on training courses to a maximum of 1. 
  • Membership: The membership section has been reorganized to better explain the invoicing structure and renewal process for both new members and membership renewals. 
  • Dishonesty: New clause outlines our right to revoke any qualifications, endorsements, or credentials where they have been obtained dishonestly.  

For a full review of the updated T&Cs, please visit HERE. We encourage you to review these changes to ensure you're fully informed about our terms and conditions.