Useful links and helplines
Mental Health Foundation
Five Ways to Wellbeing toolkit: The Five Ways to Wellbeing at Work Toolkit includes fact sheets, tips, tools and templates to make it easy for you to support your teams to build the Five Ways into their daily lives.
Open minds: for employers: Open Minds equips managers with the confidence and skills to talk about mental health in the workplace.
Suicide prevention: The Mental Health Foundation develops information resources to support people who are worried about their own suicide risk or the suicide risk of someone close to them.
Connecting through KÅrero: Talking about suicide with taiohi/young people
Mental health in the construction industry scoping study
Site Safe course
Mental Health First Aid in Construction course: Site Safe work in partnership with St John to deliver a mental health course targeted to workers in construction.
Registered Master Builders
Registered Master Builders has introduced a member counselling service so you can get some help when you feel the pressure at work or at home is becoming too much. Members can call 0508 664 981 at any time and be connected with professional, qualified support.
Developed by the health Promotion agency, Wellplace brings together practical ideas, tools and resources for people who are leading wellbeing activity in New Zealand workplaces.
Mental Health at Work (United Kingdom)
Building mental health in construction toolkit: Building Mental Health is a group of volunteers from the construction industry who pull together thinking and information around mental health.
Need to talk?
Free call or text 1737 any time for support from trained counsellor.
0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE)
0800 376 633, free test 234 or email or online chat.
0800 726 666
Note for Maori: You may also contact or visit your local Maori or iwi social and health organisation for support.
Helpline 0800 111 757 or free text 4202
To talk to a trained counsellor for support or to ask any questions.
0800 611 116
Free 24/7 helpline. Call to speak with a registered nurse for advice.
Alcohol and Drug Helpline
0800 787 797 or text 8681
Online Chat at
If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drinking or drug taking, the Alcohol and Drug Helpline can assist with information, insight and support.
Mates in construction
0800 111 315
Support available 24/7
This website has great resources about mental health and strategies on how to support someone with poor mental health.