Aaron Kennaway
Safety Advisor, Tasman/Marlborough/West Coast
027 359 4544 | akennaway@sitesafe.org.nz

About Aaron Kennaway
Changing culture takes time. Aaron is known for having a practical approach to health and safety. By helping people understand the ‘why’ and the ‘how’, he can change their thinking from reluctant compliance to competence and care. By getting alongside people, Aaron helps them develop workable solutions that will endure the test of real-life work. He has 15 years’ experience as a former NZ Police Detective and Dept of Labour Inspector. Using ICAM and other techniques he can get to the root cause and recommend practical solutions to prevent re-occurrence.
Aaron has experience in Commercial and Civil Construction, Horticulture, Viticulture, Sawmilling, Food Production, Aquaculture, Manufacturing, and Forestry.
Areas of expertise
- Policy review
- Establishing a positive H&S culture
- Accident investigation
- Worker engagement and participation
- Policy writing implementation
- Contractor management
- Auditing work sites
- (ISO) AS/NZS 45001
- Return to work
- Writing SSSP/SWMS
- Mobile plant and machinery
- NEBOSH (UK) International General Certificate
- Post Graduate Diploma in H&S Management (Risk) Level 7
- Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice (Level 7)
- National Certificate in Adult Education and Training (Level 4)
- New Zealand Certoificate in Workplace Health and safety Practice (Level 3)
- ICAM Investigation Techniques
- Diploma in NZ Policing (formerly a Detective)
- Formerly a Dept of Labour H&S Inspector
Professional membership
- New Zealand Institute for Safety Management: Professional Member
- CQI/IRCA Associate Auditor
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