Notifiable Events

Under the new Health and Safety at Work Act that came in 4 April 2016, certain events must be notified to the regulator – WorkSafe New Zealand.

Do you, as a business owner (or a PCBU), know what events these are and what you need to do?

First, let's look at the different types of notifiable events:

  1. A death
  2. A notifiable illness or injury (for example an amputation)
  3. A notifiable incident (when a persons health and safety are seriously threatened or endangered as a result of a work situation)

Under the new act a notifiable event is when any of the above occurs as result of work. The underlining of the word 'work' is important. A death, injury or illness that is unrelated to work is not a notifiable event, for example a diabetic worker slipping into a coma at work is not a notifiable event.

How to notify

In most cases notifying WorkSafe will involve calling them on 0800 030 040, this number is available 24/7. You can also complete an online notification or complete a pdf form (for some types of events). WorkSafe have a Notify WorkSafe tool to use.

More help

For more information on the new Act and how Site Safe can help, please visit our hubpage or download our free SME guide here.